The Stewardship Committee seeks to bring the message and concept of Christian Stewardship to life within the lives of parishioners. A focus on hospitality is essential to fulfill a mission that provides all parishioners with the opportunity to be involved, thus feeling welcomed, served, and appreciated.
Further, the Committee recognizes the importance of providing
and facilitating a variety of personal and communal prayer
and educational opportunities within the parish.
With this in mind, it is also a priority to use a variety of communication tools to inform, invite, encourage, and provide parishioners a means to use their Time, Talent, and Treasure to connect with the Christian call to discipleship.
Stewardship Committee meets on the last Tuesday of the month.
Fr. Antony Varghese, Pastoral Administrator
Louis Schulte: chair -
Pat Cassidy
Louisa Celebrezze
Frank Conway
Jeanna Schneider Diederich
Jenny Mason
Nick Mason
Paula Vasey