St. Francis of Assisi Parish encourages all to live out
the Social Justice teaching of our faith.
Additional resources can be found at the Office for Social Concerns at the
Diocese of Columbus.
When we have a 5th Sunday in any month, there is a 2nd collection at both Masses to support our SVDP Conference to help with needs. Additionally you can donate using the QR code below.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
If you need assistance OR would like to join the SVDP Society,
please contact:
Lorri Kuczynski at or 614-439-1904
or email:
St. Vincent de Paul members also offer material, financial, and/or volunteer assistance to the following organizations:
Contact Frank Schneider at or 614-565-9131
(Building Responsibility, Equality and Dignity)
B.R.E.A.D. was founded by faith leaders, including SFA, from a variety of diverse congregations in the greater Columbus area to empower congregants to advocate for solutions to adversely affected community members.
B.R.E.A.D.'S goals are:
1. To identify community problems that network members indicate need to be addressed;
2. To conduct research to find identify workable solutions;
3. To build 'people power' to negotiate with public arenas and officials.
Throughout the year, St. Francis network members meet throughout the year to work toward these 3 goals. This work culminates in the spring at the annual Nehemiah Action event. Thousands of congregants and community members, including SFA parishioners, assemble to demonstrate their support to public officials for the workable solutions uncovered in the research process. Since 2020, B.R.E.A.D. network members have negotiated with public officials to increase funding for affordable housing, enact an ordinance to protect mature trees on public lands, implement a violence reduction program in Columbus neighborhoods, and implement restorative practices in the Columbus City Schools.
B.R.E.A.D. rises!
To get involved, contact the office to reach Helen Ann Sweeney or go directly to the B.R.E.A.D. website linked here.
Click here to link to the Diocese of Columbus Care of Creation webpage.