Registration is now open for your children for Religious Education classes at SFA. Our times have changed. All classes will begin at 10:30 a.m. and end at 11:20 a.m., including the pre-school through 1st grade children.
A registration form can be downloaded by clicking here.
Or you can pick up at copy at the entrance to the church.
Completed forms with payment can be dropped in the collection basket on Sunday or mailed to the office.
2024-25 Religious Ed calendar
Questions? Contact Mrs. Diane Bowling at dbowling841@gmail.com.
Pflaum Gospel Weeklies are based on the liturgy, building on the Sunday Gospel reading and incorporating current events
and teachings of the Church.
Lessons connect families to the Mass and to the Community.
The liturgical seasons are woven into the lessons,
giving your child a better understanding of the richness of our faith.
Materials are tailored for your child's developmental level.
QUESTIONS? Contact Mrs. Diane Bowling at dbowling841@gmail.com
SEEDS welcomes preschoolers to Jesus' love for them!
Colorful hands-on activities provide a lively way for young children
to experience the Gospel.
PROMISE helps K-1 children begin to participate in worship with an active understanding. Storytelling, prayer, and fun activities relate
children's own experiences to the Gospel.
GOOD NEWS guides 2nd and 3rd graders to more involvement in
Sunday liturgy as they see how the Sunday Gospel ties to their own lives.
VENTURE leads 4th - 6th graders in making moral choices and exploring
and expanding faith. Saints' lives and imaginative activities
demonstrate application of the Gospel message.
VISIONS for grades 7-9 emphasizes Catholic social teaching, moral reasoning, and service for young people through current events articles,
life-dilemma stories, and real Christian-life examples.
Click here to learn more about the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies program.
Click here for a link to Pflaum's resource materials and information.