Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Parish!
It is a pleasure to welcome you to St. Francis of Assisi Church, and it is my prayer that you feel the spirit that is so alive and abundant here, not only in the building but in the people you meet. If you need or want to contact me, feel free to reach me at - frval2@yahoo.com.
Our History
On May 24, 1892, St. Francis of Assisi parish was established by Bishop John A. Watterson. The first Mass was celebrated by Father Alphonse M. Leyden on July 12, 1892, on the second floor of an abandoned Methodist Church on the corner of Collins and Pennsylvania Avenues. On September 1, 1895, Bishop Watterson laid the cornerstone of the current church and he returned on August 23, 1896, to consecrate the building. Although many things have changed since our church was dedicated 120 years ago, one thing has remained the same: St. Francis of Assisi Church is still on the corner of Buttles and Harrison Avenues, and still an active parish in the Victorian Village of Columbus, Ohio.
Our Mission
St. Francis of Assisi is a diverse community of faith rooted in Christ. We follow the Roman Catholic tradition seeking to become a people utterly inspired by faith and devotion to God, as lived by St. Francis. The center of our life is the Eucharist, where we come to know Christ in one another, in Sacred Scripture and in Sacrament.
We strive to become a family with hearts open to all, sharing the joy of God’s word and the challenge of on-going spiritual growth. We labor to transform society through acts of social justice and charity, to promote peace, and to ease the burdens of the poverty, illness and discrimination within our parish and the larger community.
We endeavor to live our mission by offering our time and talents in our parish activities and affiliations. We invite you to review the enclosed information. As an intimate and vibrant parish, there are numerous opportunities to develop your unique gifts.
Our Hope
I pray that as you worship with us St. Francis of Assisi parish becomes your spiritual home.
In Christ,
Fritzner Valcin
Pastoral Administrator
Pastoral Administrator: Fr. Fritzner Valcin frval2@yahoo.com
Office Manager: Jeanna Diederich office@sfacolumbus.org
Bookkeeper: John Klee bookkeeper@sfacolumbus.org
Choir Director and Organist: Laurel Marazita lmarazita@hotmail.com
RCIA Coordinator: Kathleen Dancey kdancey@columbus.rr.com
Childhood Religious Education Coordinator (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd): Therese Terndrup tterndru@kent.edu
Wedding Coordinator: Melissa Hornik sfacolumbusweddings@gmail.com