Class times have changed. All classes will begin at 10:30 a.m. and end at 11:20 a.m., including the pre-school through 1st grade children. Registration forms can be downloaded by clicking here.
Or you can pick up at copy at the entrance to the church.
Completed forms with payment can be dropped in the collection basket on Sunday or mailed to the office.
2024-25 Religious Ed Calendar
Questions? Contact Mrs. Diane Bowling at dbowling841@gmail.com
To celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, our patronal Feast Day, there will be a Potluck Picnic Celebration in the Parish Hall after the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, October 6.
Chicken, vegetarian lasagna, and beverages will be provided by the parish. Please bring a side dish (last name N-Z) or dessert (last name A-M) as you are able. You may drop your item in the Parish Hall prior to Mass that morning.
All are invited to join us for great food and wonderful fellowship!
If you are able to help with set up or clean up, please contact Jen Mason at jenmason815@gmail.com.
The closing ceremony for the upcoming Kairos weekend at ORW (Ohio Reformatory for Women) is from 4:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 27. If you are interested in attending and hearing the testimonies of women impacted by Kairos Ministries, please contact our office to be put in touch with volunteer Rachel Beebe. Applications to attend must be placed by 9/21.
For more information about Kairos, click this link.
An international initiative that provides vital support and resources to individuals and families battling addiction, iTHIRST Certification Training is coming to Columbus!
The program will train lay people, priests, religious and deacons to offer spiritual support to those in our diocese impacted by addiction, ensuring that these individuals do not have to face their struggles alone.
The certification will take place via Zoom every Monday and Wednesday evening for 8 weeks and is offered by Seton Hall University. There is no cost and no homework (other than prayer and reflection.) If you are interested in becoming a spiritual companion for the diocese through this training, contact Katy Wyatt at ktbwyatt@outlook.com
John Plagens from LPi, our bulletin printer, will be securing new ads for our church in the upcoming weeks. It is the support of the business community that helps to make our church thrive. Please consider purchasing a print and/or digital ad as your participation makes our bulletin successful, and you attract customers!
Contact John Plagens at 440-346-0753 or johnplagens@4lpi.com
TIME, TALENT, TREASUREDoes your company offer a company match for personal philanthropic donations?
SFA is approved as part of the national registry.
Registration ID is 45901.
You could potentially double your donations through this process. Please review your company guidelines or
contact Chris Meacham, SFA Finance Chair at 614-561-6510 or chris@automotiveintegration.com if you have questions.
The greatest, most powerful and charitable prayer we have in the Catholic Church is the Eucharistic celebration called the Holy Mass, the Breaking of the Bread.
Mass Intentions may be requested for Sundays, most holy days, and weekdays throughout the year for the living and the dead, or in thanksgiving for God's blessings in life
such as a birthday, a wedding anniversary, during a time of illness, etc. Requesting a Mass is not only a sign of our flourishing faith, but of our generous heart for those who say these Masses. Mass offerings in the Diocese are typically $10
and can be scheduled by calling or emailing the parish office.