Does your company offer a company match for personal philanthropic donations?
SFA is approved as part of the national registry.
Registration ID is 45901.
You could potentially double your donations through this process. Please review your company guidelines or
contact Chris Meacham, SFA Finance Chair at 614-561-6510 or if you have questions.
The greatest, most powerful and charitable prayer we have in the Catholic Church is the Eucharistic celebration called the Holy Mass, the Breaking of the Bread. Mass Intentions may be requested for Sundays, most holy days, and weekdays throughout the year for the living and the dead, or in thanksgiving for God's blessings in life such as a birthday, a wedding anniversary, during a time of illness, etc. Requesting a Mass is not only a sign of our flourishing faith, but of our generous heart for those who say these Masses. Mass offerings in the Diocese are typically $10 and can be scheduled by calling or emailing the parish office.
Support our parish through online giving. Click the QR code below.
“Preach the gospel at all times.
If necessary, use words.”
~ St. Francis of Assisi
Theresa Holleran, Office Manager
Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
or by appointment